About dietitian for diabetes in gurgaon

One of the Best Dietitian in Gurgaon

Shilpa Arora offers complete lifestyle plans, based entirely on diet and lifestyle factors. This program represents the culmination of my lifelong passion for nutrition and my search to find the ways to maintain health & wellness naturally.

My interest in skin and nutrition goes back to the years I spent in Adelaide, Australia. Here I discovered that what one ate had a huge impact not only on weight but also, the appearance of skin. It eventually led me to study preventive medicines and become a nutritionist. Further to enhance my passion on nutrition, I was introduced to macrobiotics which was a unique approach to healthy eating as it recognizes that every food has its own living energy and that this energy influences the life-force within us.

As a Macrobiotics Health Coach we got a great foundation to explore the link between lifestyle induced diseases caused by wrong food choices having direct impact on general health and well-being. I have worked together with leading hospitals, institutions, education societies and private consultations to provide health plans which could be practiced lifelong for ultimate healing. These holistic plans prevent lifestyle induced diseases and help slow ageing process as the foods we eat is one of the primary influences we have on our health.

As an expert on Naturopathy and Nutrition, my researched articles, on nature cure, health and nutrition appear regularly in leading newspapers and lifestyle magazines. My articles can be archived on my media page and also at NDTV websites.

My quest for healthy cooking motivated me to design and train Chefs at Starwood Hotels & Resorts namely at The Westin Hotel, Gurgaon, and I also have to my credit a Signature Health Menu at the coffee shop - Seasonal Tastes, running successfully for the third year. I have designed health products including cookies, seed bars, chocolate delicacies that are available at my exclusive outlets and at The Westin Hotel.

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We cover a range of Health & Life style induced diseases Reversal programs

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a healthy weight range for me? +
What is BMI?+
How much should I be eating?+
What is a Balanced Diet?+
How do I refuel after my workouts?+
Why do I regularly experience indigestion or heartburn?+

Shilpa Arora works closely and passionately with corporates and institutions. In today’s stressful environments, corporates understand Human Resources are the most valuable assets of the company and are dedicated to ensure Healthy workforce to yield maximum productivity. Shilpa Arora devise plans being in capacity of panelist & consultant to help corporates achieve this goal. The services rendered are not limited to the meal plan offered in cafeteria, but also to individual and group needs through counselling and seminars. Numerous corporates are associated with us for their diversified interests. Shilpa Arora have developed Signature Health Menu’s for leading hotel chains, acted in capacity of panelist for media channels, senior regular columnist for both print and digital media, consulting Healthy eating plans for institutions like schools and colleges to name a few. Health mentoring is achieved in collaboration with corporates & institutions to reach individual goals and group objectives.

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Achievement begins with having the right individuals.

At Shilpa Arora, we engage and guide every part of our developing group. We invite progressive, certain and yearning people to join our team!

In the event that you believe you have everything and a desire to learn, passion in dietetics & nutrition, develop and exceed expectations and if you want to join team of young & dynamic individuals we would like to hear from you with your resume at


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